RIO GRANDE and ALAMOSA COUNTIES βThe Colorado Department of Transportation announces a temporary, restricted closure of US Highway 160 for through-traffic as crews pave Main Street/US 160 from Jefferson Street to Henderson Road in Monte Vista. The three-day closure and paving operations will begin on Monday, June 20 and continue through Wednesday, June 22. The highway closure will be in effect from 7 am to 7 pm and will reopen at the end of each workday for through-traffic.
Local traffic will be able to access all businesses along US 160 within the city of Monte Vista. Drivers should drive with caution through the work zone and pay close attention to traffic control signage, cones, barrels, and flagging personnel.
Controlling the volume of traffic traveling through the city of Monte Vista and its business corridor will allow paving crews to work more quickly and efficiently, therefore minimizing business impacts.
Detour for Through Traffic
Motorists traveling east and west through Monte Vista will be detoured south of US 160 through city streets.

At the intersection of 1st Avenue and Broadway Street (US 160 and US 285), travelers will turn south onto S. Broadway Avenue (CO 15). Travelers will turn east at 6th Avenue, then travel north on Henderson Road to US 160.
Travelers will take Henderson to 6Th Avenue, then north on S. Broadway to US 160.
Project Background
The paving through Monte Vista is part of the project that will improve approximately 16 miles of US 160 and CO 370 in Rio Grande and Alamosa counties. The project began on US 160 at mile point 215.96 in the city of Monte Vista, continuing east for more than 11 miles to MP 226.33. The project also includes four miles of resurfacing on CO 370 from MPs 4-8, South of the city of Monte Vista. Additionally, crews have completed the construction of curb and ramp upgrades at various intersections in Monte Vista to improve pedestrian safety and accessibility in Monte Vista.
Traffic Impacts for Resurfacing Work Outside of the City of Monte Vista
Project work hours are daylight hours, Monday through Friday. No weekend work is currently anticipated. Motorists will encounter brief closures with single lane alternating traffic and should allow for travel delays of up to 15 minutes. Travelers are urged to slow down, use extreme caution, and watch for workers and flagging personnel.
Project Information
For additional information about this project, contact the project team.
- Project Hotline: (719) 480-9890
- Project email: jlopez@apc.us.com
- Project web site: www.codot.gov/projects/us160-co370-resurfacing